Baptist church hospital thank you note

Yaounde third degree traditional rulers' acknowledgement

"2015-2016 Année de ma rencontre avec la Présidente de GivHOPE tout a commencé au mois de cette année-là. J’ai fait la connaissance de Madame la Présidente de GivHOPE communément appelée (mémé) nom que je lui personnellement donné. 2016-2019, ayant arrêté personnellement les études à cause de ma mauvais conduite, je rentrais dans la rue puisque pour moi il fallait à tous prix avoir de l’argent ou à défaut un travail où je serais mieux rémunéré. Mémé et toute son équipe nous encouragèrent (mes compagnons et moi) en nous présentant premièrement le Seigneur, Jésus, que moi plus tard j’ai accepté la réinsertion sociale et familiale grâce à des multiples prières et conseils de GivHOPE, je retournais à l’école où deux ans après j’eus Le Concours de la Police. Présentement où j’écris ces quelques lignes de témoignage de ce que Le Seigneur visiblement par GivHOPE a fait pour moi, je suis sous le drapeau. Merci Seigneur, Merci GivHOPE."

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"Reasons Why I will Like to work with GivHOPE Organization Firstly, I really appreciate what GivHOPE does, changing lives, giving individuals a reason to smile, helping and influencing lives positively. It is one of my desire to help the needy and hopeless so I can achieve this through GivHOPE. Secondly, to increase my employable skills like accounting, research, teamwork, punctuality and leadership qualities to gain more experience. Thirdly, working with GivHOPE paves room for a future investment in myself which will tend to contribute and help me a lots. Fourthly, it gives me a chance to know and interact with influential people from different backgrounds with same goals. Lastly, working with GivHOPE will help me to understand the society for contributions for a better tomorrow. As Community Resource Centre for the Disabled and the Disadvantaged (CRCDD) Coordinator, I have known Madam Helene Pieume since 2002, as Communication and Information Officer at the World Bank Group, Cameroon Country Office."

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Ngala Sandra Mangwang

"When she retired and created GivHOPE Africa with mission to lead this NGO and facilitate direct interactions with many other organizations dealing with vulnerable persons, CRCDD was chosen as one of its main partners for coordinating activities of common interest. GivHOPE Africa provided in-kind donations to IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons) girls and women and grants for income generating activities, advocacy, awareness and personal development through knowledge sharing, capacity building, empowerment and resource mobilization to CRCDD. CRCDD and GivHOPE Africa are both committed, inter-alia, to improving the living conditions of physically disabled and disadvantaged persons by making them self reliant and by boosting their esteem at family and community levels. Our cooperation has made a huge difference in the lives of IDPs who benefited from GivHOPE Africa help. Our working relationship has been very fruitful, and I personally recommend GivHOPE Africa to any national or international organizations willing to do the same in order to reduce extreme poverty among the vulnerable ones so that they can fully feel integrated in the society."

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Florence Limen, CRCDD Coordinator, Bamenda

"Je m’appelle Jacques DIME, 28 ans, élève en 3eme année Mosaïque et Broderie au Centre National de Réhabilitation des Personnes Handicapées Cardinal Paul Emile LEGER d’Etoug-Ebe. Je suis né avec un retard psychomoteur et mental sévères avec un taux d’invalidité de 80%. Mon père m’a abandonné dès qu’il a vu ma condition et ma mère s’est retrouvée seule avec 3 enfants sous les bras sans moyens ; mais elle a continué tant bien que mal à subvenir à nos besoins lorsque la mort la frappa tragiquement sous mon regard d’enfant de 10 ans. Abandonnés à nous-mêmes, mes petits frères et moi avons erré ça et la, vivant dans une précarité abjecte et de temps en temps grâce à la providence à travers quelques âmes de bonne volonté. Aujourd’hui, malgré ma condition physique et mentale, je refuse la fatalité et estime que je suis une personne capable de faire des choses qui honorent mon pays et me mettent à l’abri de la mendicité. Je suis en 3eme année de Mosaïque/Broderie et l’année prochaine, je vais décrocher mon diplôme de fin de formation. En attendant, je me suis rapproché de l’Association GivHOPE qui me soutient et m’a permis d’avoir un fonds pour les activités génératrices de revenus en même temps qu’elle m’a offert un toit. La vente des mes objets d’art, porte clés, colliers, babouches et autres gadgets me permettent d’acheter mes fournitures scolaires et d’assurer mon transport. Le conseil que je peux donner aux jeunes qui sont dans la même condition que moi, c’est de ne jamais désespérer, d’avoir espoir, foi en Dieu et surtout de croire en soi-même car rien n’est impossible à celui qui croit."

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Jacques DIME

"I am grateful to GivHOPE Africa for rescuing me from sickness due to extreme poverty. When we met, the Coordinator gave me small grant to start selling sandals. Some few months after, she looked for pre-employment training in Infography for me. I have been working there since 2019 Professionally and socially I am a different person in thesense that I have learned how to print and now can make T-Shirts, macarons, tea-cups umbrellas, banners etc and my interactions with people, the stress of staying home too much when I was jobless have tremendously reduced. I am alsoa computer literate, skills I did not have before."

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I am Merra Rutha Sakwe

"Thank you for your donation of snack items to the DC Dream Center (DC|DC) on March 6th, 2021. Your support is appreciated and will help us continue to support our families during the Covid-19 pandemic and ensure that the DC|DC was a blessing to those in need. The DC|DC operates solely on donations from individuals and corporations. The DC Dream Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, EIN 46-3532483. Your contribution is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your generous donation. Thank you again for your contribution and for helping us to be a place that serves the community in these challenging times! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Blessings to you,"

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Ernest Clover, Executive Director

"I hope this letter finds you in the grace and mercy of Allahswt. On behalf of our leader and founder of Masjid Ash Shura Amir Faheed Ali Muwwakkil we want to thank you for your generosity of sponsoring portions of our celebration of the world-wide Eid Al-Fitr. Eid Al -Fitr is the celebration of Muslims all around the world completing the 29-30 day fast of Ramadan. Masjid Ash Shura is the first Masjid/Mosque built up from the ground by native African American Muslims in the State of Georgia and home of Salaam Memorial Cemetery Atlanta’s first and only Islamic Cemetery. With your donations we were able to feed the believers of Masjid Ash Shura as well as believers and others on this joyous occasion. We look forward to working with you in the near future. Once again we appreciate your contributions and generosity may Allah (God) reward you for your efforts here in America and abroad in Africa."

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Imam Ibraheem Rahman

"Some people see a problem and say, “why can’t things be better?” A leader says, “How can we fix this problem and ensure it never returns?” When you look at the projects and testimonials on GivHOPE Africa’s site, you see what kind of leader Helene Pieume is. She has created an organization that of course meets people needs but then provides the means, tools, and skills to empower them to reach their highest potential. GivHOPE truly embodies the ancient Chinese proverb, “give a person a fish, and you feed them for a day; teach a person to fish and you feed them for a lifetime.” Moreover, GivHOPE Africa takes an “asset-based” instead of a “deficitbased” approach to the community it serves. It asks not how can we fix you, but “how can we help create the conditions where your natural talents, abilities, and drive can take you to where you want to go?” That is a profound view, which is based on the inherent worth and dignity of each human being. The work of Helene and GivHOPE Africa has inspired me to begin volunteering and fund-raising for an aid project in my own community. Thank you, Helene, for being a hero and role model."

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